DIY Flaxseed Hair Mask

Hey Gems! Today we are going to discuss some of the benefits of flaxseed and how it helps to strengthen your hair shaft, repair damaged split-ends and boost rapid hair growth!

What is Flaxseed?


Flax, also known as linseed, is a plant-based food and fiber crop that is packed with nutrients like Omega-3 essential fatty acids. This is referred to as the “good” fat known to promote healthy heart conditions, preventing high cholesterol and cancer cells. Flaxseed is available in the form of seeds, oils, powder, and tablets.

5 benefits of using Flaxseed in your hair:

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  1. Rich in vitamin E - Acts as a shield to protect scalp conditions against harsh free radicals.

  2. Nourishes your hair and scalp - Rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Promoting rapid hair growth and stimulation of the hair shaft and follicle.

  3. Reduces breakage, split ends, and dryness - Fatty acids found in flaxseeds are vital to sustain healthy hair growth. The nutrients penetrate the hair follicle, making it stronger and less brittle.

  4. Helps balance oil production and pH levels - This affects the rate of speed at which your hair grows. Flaxseed helps to stimulate the sebaceous glands which is responsible to produce the necessary amount of oil needed for rapid hair growth.

  5. Soothes dry itchy scalp - Flaxseed keeps your hair conditioned and frizz-free! It helps to control breakage, dryness, and prevent split ends. Prolonged use of flaxseed can prevent dandruff, hair loss, and scalp eczema.

How To Make Your Own Flaxseed Hair Mask

Things you need:

(Image courtesy of Check them out for their complete recipe!)

(Image courtesy of Check them out for their complete recipe!)

  1. ¼ cup of Flaxseed 

  2. 2 cups of water

  3. Mixing bowl (a small container works too)

  4. Strainer or a pantyhose 

  5. Spoon 

  6. Saucepan 

  7. 2 tablespoons of Carrier Oil (optional)

  8. Shower cap


  1. Pour ¼ cup of flaxseed into 2 cups of water.

  2. On medium heat, bring to a boil for about 8-10 minutes.

  3. Stir consistently to ensure the flaxseeds don’t stick to the bottom of the saucepan.

  4. Keep monitoring until a thick gel, egg-white consistency is achieved. 

  5. Remove from heat and allow to cool. The gel will thicken during the cooling down phase. 

  6. Using stockings/pantyhose or a strainer- grab your bowl/container and pour the mixture into the strainer over the bowl.

  7. Using a spoon or clean hands, squeeze as much liquid or gel from the mixture. 

  8. Totally optional, you can add aloe vera gel and a few drops or your favorite essential oil to your mixture.

  9. Now pour your freshly squeezed flaxseed gel into an air-tight container or glass jar and store in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

How To Use: 

  1. Split hair into four sections (this will make it easier to apply the gel).

  2. Distribute the flaxseed gel mixture evenly onto your hair.

  3. Massage flaxseed gel into scalp, hair shaft and all the way to the hair end.

  4. Place shower cap on head and wait let it sit for 1-2 hours or as long as desired.

  5. Cleanse with your favorite shampoo and conditioner.

  6. Allow to hair dry or blow dry, depending on your preferred choice. 


  1. Healthy shiny hair!

  2. Soft moisturized coils

  3. Rapid hair growth

  4. Controls frizz

  5. Prevents hair loss

  6. Promotes thick hair


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